Tuesday, May 14, 2013

My Story

My name is Haley Gillilan, and this is my story.
I have been going to Lakeland Community Church for as long as I can remember. I am one of the few who has had the pleasure of going to Sunday School on a tablecloth on the floor of a movie theater.  I was itty bitty then, and my favorite thing to do, alongside Ryan McCrary, was climb under the movie seats after service and dig for spare change. That is disgusting to think about now, but we loved it. We would always come up with an unusual amount and spend it in the sticker machines in the lobby. After all these years, I learned that Ryan’s grandpa had actually put money under there for us to find.  In my experience, community is like that: it always snuck up on me in times where I least expected it. Times where I thought I could do something by myself, but in reality, the community –  God through them –  has been lifting me up the entire time. 
I have had almost the exact same group of girls by my side all through elementary, middle and high school.  I’ve babysat children, served at the coffee bar, and attended youth group for the better part of my life.  I have been brought up on Surrender, Together, Love. This church has raised me. As someone who has seen the church go from its restaurant days, to its movie theater days, to finally this beautiful church building, I will be the first to say that this church is not just a place. It’s Sue Swick who hemmed my prom dress.  It’s everyone who came to see my shows while I swayed in the back for 6 years, and were there when I was front and center. It’s Jason Lahey who taught me to play guitar. It’s Julie Theismann and Michelle Bledsoe who led my small group.  It’s Megan Hunter who helped me shop for my college audition outfit. Most of these things didn’t even happen in this building, but they happened because of this church. Through community, God shows Himself to me more clearly than any other time. The community has shown up for me, time and time again, even when I may have not deserved it. One particular story we explored in my small group with Julie is the book of Hosea. It tells the story of a prophet who was called by God to marry a prostitute. The whole thing is a parable for God’s relationship with Israel, and how just as Hosea married a woman he knew would be unfaithful to him, God knew that he was loving on a people who would not always love him back. As we talked about the story deeper, the girls and I realized how much of a choice that love really is. Being a community is not easy one hundred percent of the time. There are times where I have been ungrateful. Times I’ve been dishonest. Times I didn’t show up for someone else when they needed me. But I have learned that with each new day we can make a choice to engage and let the community show us a love that God is desperate for us to experience.
Our God is an active God. He is constantly calling us to go outside of ourselves and to show love to others the same way that He shows love to us.  My choir teacher once said, “The more sensitive you become to things that are beautiful, the less likely you are to take beautiful things away from someone.” The deeper I immerse myself in community, and the deeper I immerse myself in my relationship with God, I find a greater desire to make sure everyone around me is experiencing what I have. 
Two days ago I graduated from high school.  So this fall, for the first time in 14 years, I will be going to a church that isn’t Lakeland. I’ll be in a new place where I don’t know anybody, and I’ll have to build my community from scratch.  This is actually what I am most excited about!  Based on my experience here, I know I will be able to recognize community and build it wherever I go.  And there I know God will keep loving on me.
My name is Haley Gillilan, and this is my story.